SMS Message Tones

It must be a symptom of the modern world, but as time goes by, our ears are being assailed by a multitude of new sounds every day. All sorts of beeps and buzzes and tones, not to mention the music sounds blaring out everywhere. Not that l am complaining. I just mention this because a new sound is about to be heard everywhere, and thats sms message tones. These are message tones that sound like dogs barking, horns hooting, people screaming etc and will soon be all the rage, as people text each other more and more, using these new sounding tones You have been warned.

Unlike Ringtones, which are for when your phone rings, SMs Message Tones are text message alerts.
You can record sounds with some phones, and use them as sms message tones, or other alerts. Its also possible for some phones to generate different sms message tones. This has been the way anybody wanting a special message tone, could only do it, as few suppliers existed. However that has now changed, and there are many companies that offer a good collection of sounds which you can download to your phone to use in place of the default sms message tones. You can also use these sounds to replace your alarm and reminder tones, too.

You should be aware though, that for certain cell/mobile phones (e.g. Samsung, Sony, Ericsson, Motorola and LG), its not possible to set sound effects as message alerts. Make sure, before downloading any sound effects, to check your phone to see if it allows jingles/ringtones as sms message tones or alerts, before ordering.

No doubt the Telco's will rake in a fortune, as people will download these new tones more and more. But hey, they don't cost much, and they usually bring a smile to your face, which is worth something.
Personally, i'm a text maniac, so anything that enhances the experience, such as different sms message tones, is okay by me. What would be fun, would be to be able to send a funny sounding sms message tone with your text message. Think of all the possible funny scenarios! Well, maybe thats just round the corner too!