When you are thinking about cell phones, you probably want to know whether or not you are going to go with a monthly service provider, or with a pay as you go system. While a monthly service provider might sound like the best option, it isn't as easy as doing a prepaid cell phone plan. There are several important things to consider about a prepaid-cell-phone service plan before you decide to purchase it.
With prepaid-cell phone plans, you are in control of the type of service you get, how much you spend, and how much you are going to be using your service. Unlike a monthly service provider, with prepaid cell phones, you don't pay a flat monthly rate to have your phone. Paying a flat rate can be frustrating if you don't always use your telephone the same amount each month, or if you find that you are not using as much as you paying for. With prepaid flip phones, and prepaid services, you choose how much time you'd like to put on the phone, you buy it, and then you use it.
Most of the plans come with cards that you can use to recharge. Some services come with all types of plans and all types of phones. You can get prepaid- flip-phones, or regular phones. You can even get blackberry-phones. When you purchase a phone for a prepaid-service, the phone will usually come with a few minutes, or units, on it already.
Once you purchase the plan, you'll start it up, and then call a specific number from the phone in order to activate it and to get your cell number. Once is activated, you can start using it. The plan probably came with a few minutes to get you started, but soon you will want to purchase more minutes.
It is easy to use prepaid-cell-phone plans. You simply purchase a card from the store, or buy minutes online, and load them onto your telephone, using a telephone or the internet. Once the minutes are on your telephone, you can use it as you would normally use a regular cell-phone. When you run out of prepaid time, you'll need to purchase additional credits.
When you are using prepaid cell telephones, you'll need to watch out for a few things. Some plans require you to buy a certain amount of minutes per month or per year, in order to keep your number. As long as you stick to the guidelines, you'll have the ease of a cell plan with a price tag you are able to control.